Friday, April 20, 2012

Safety Around Construction Sites

Even with the down economy and new construction projects at an all time low, construction areas can be extremely dangerous, not only for construction workers, but also for those who must drive or walk within their vicinity. While construction companies, contractors, crew leaders and architects have a responsibility to inspect job sites and maintain a safe environment, many times owners try to save money by hiring unlicensed contractors to tackle the construction work. Other times, the necessary warning signs and safety precautions to properly maintain tools, ladders or other work equipment may not be in place or followed. In either scenario, the results can lead to injuries from a number of hazards including:
  • open manholes
  • unsafe scaffolding
  • falling debris
  • heavy machinery
  • poor roadway conditions
  • electrocution
  • collapsed structures
  • welding accidents
  • crane malfunctions

Many dangerous situations typically involve violations of Federal OSHA regulations or building codes. As well, accidents are preventable but failure to warn of dangerous conditions or failure to properly train and supervise workers can all result in devastating incidents.
If you or a loved one have been injured or killed in a construction accident, finding an experienced attorney to help counsel you through the complex liability issues is a priority. Whether you’re a worker, pedestrian, or just a passer-by, you deserve justice for your injuries. Contact Gonzalez, Cartwright & Rivera at (888) 888-3903 today for a free consultation or visit

Monday, April 9, 2012

Dangerous Drug Accidents...Are You At Risk?

Prescription drugs can save lives but with so many people living longer and with an overwhelming number of prescriptions being written each day, doctors or pharmacists can be at fault for possible injury to consumers by incorrectly dispensing or prescribing the wrong drugs. Even drugs that are perfectly safe alone can have fatal or threatening reactions when mixed with other drugs.
The Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are typically responsible for evaluating, regulating, approving and monitoring the safety of prescription drugs, but in an era where claims that a "pill" can cure just about anything, millions of American consumers are also at risk for serious injury or death due to dangerous or defective prescription or over the counter drugs and supplements. Let's face it...the pharmaceutical business is a multi-billion dollar industry, and often rated as the most profitable in the world. The dangerous drugs that actually make it to the market at the benefit of the drug manufacturers' own fat pockets have many numerous unexpected health risks and even fatal side effects including birth defects, cardiac or heart attack, heart palpitations, hypertension, insomnia, memory loss, numbness in the extremities, stomach aches, stroke, tremors, and vomiting.  Sadly, many necessary drug recalls only occur after numerous people have been seriously injured or killed.
If you or a loved one have been injured from the use of a dangerous or defective drug , please contact attorneys Gonzalez, Cartwright & Rivera, P.A. at (888) 888-3903 immediately. You may be entitled to compensation for your injuries or losses. Visit for additional information.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Not So Safe Ride: Beware of Escalators and Elevators

Elevator and escalator accidents may not be a hot media topic but serious catastrophic injuries related to these electric vertical transporters are occurring everyday.  Malfunctions, sudden drops or stops, shaft fires, slips, trips, shoelace or garment entanglements, uneven thresholds, and unexpected door openings are only a few of the dangerous incidents related to escalators and elevators. Elevator/escalator installers, repairmen and maintenance men are at the most risk for danger due to their repeated mechanical service calls. Some common injuries they along with other passenger accident victims may experience include sprains, strains, fractures, cuts, head trauma, depression, burns, amputation of limbs, paraplegia, quadriplegia, nerve damage, facial paralysis and even death. 

Without even knowing about the numerous dangers, many people have a fear of riding on these modern day lifts and with great reason! An elevator accident is often the result of neglect, lack of maintenance or faulty design or installation. Unfortunately, the accident may even be due to a dishonest maintenance company. Some companies and repairmen will lie about the frequency or accuracy of their maintenance and inspections in order to get paid for a day of work, without actually doing anything at all. If their inaction results in an injury, the company will be at fault. There are typically three parties that may be responsible for an escalator or elevator injury: the person or company that owns the property; the company that makes the elevators; or the person or company that maintains the device. 

If you or a family member have been hurt or injured in an elevator or escalator accident, call attorneys Gonzalez & Cartwright at (888) 888-3903 for a free consultation. Visit for additional information.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Cheerleading Dangers…What You Need To Know!

Today, cheerleading is considered one of the most dangerous sports our youth can become involved in. Unbeknownst to the many spectators and admirers mesmerized at the sophisticated tricks, acrobats and air tossing stunts performed by bright smiling "flyers," the sport of cheerleading is the leading cause for catastrophic injury and disability afflicting 50% of young female athletes on both the high school and college level.
While having to generate enthusiasm and excitement for their teams, many cheerleaders experience horrific and devastating falls from up to 15 feet in the air during risky flips and high flying performances. According to the National Center for Catastrophic Sport Injury Research, in 2007 there were over 30,000 cheerleaders who had to go to the emergency room for treatment. The devastating injuries sustained by these cheerleaders included spinal cord & head injuries, blows to the chest, lung and heart, broken bones, fractures, dislocations, sprains/strains, concussions and contusions.
Cheerleading injuries continue to rise each year, in part because cheerleading has evolved into a high-risk competitive sporting activity and also because illtrained, uncertified or inexperienced coaches sometimes attempt to teach team participants stunts that are at a higher difficulty level than their squad is capable of achieving. This should never happen! School coaches and institution administrators, who put pressure on teams and demand dangerous routines and acrobatic stunts can and should be held liable for wrongful behavior. Parents can review“ A Parents Guide to Cheerleading Safety” which offers the five top questions to ask officials when their child joins a school cheerleading squad.
If your child or a member of your family was injured in a cheerleading accident, you may be entitled to compensation that may include medical expenses or bills, loss of income, and consideration for pain and suffering. Call attorneys Gonzalez & Cartwright today at 888-888-3903 for a free no-obligation consultation. Or visit us at for additional information.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

You Have to Pay to Play: Governor Scott gets $100,000.00 from Insurance Company on Wednesday and Signs the Law They Purchased on Friday – Sorry Consumers, You Don’t have Enough Money for Your Governor

Bowing to pressure from Governor Rick Scott and insurance lobbying groups, the Florida Legislature passed House Bill 119, dramatically changing automobile insurance personal injury protection benefits. According to Governor Scott and big insurance companies, reform was necessary to combat fraud which was causing Florida residents’ motor vehicle insurance costs to soar.
Consumer advocates were disappointed with the “reform.” “Floridians are in for a rude awakening,” Florida Consumer Action Network spokesman Bill Newton said. “Instead of measures aimed at preventing true fraud, we’re left with a bill that pads the pockets of big insurance companies.”

It is not clear that facts even support the purported basis for the bill. According to, the average premium in Florida is $1,476 a year, while the national average is $1,500.

Why was Governor Scott so interested in this legislation? The legislation appeared dead on Wednesday with the House and Senate at a stalemate. However, on March 7, 2012, Governor Scott’s Political Action Committee received $100,000.00 from United Group Underwriters, an affiliate of United Automobile Insurance Company. On Thursday, Governor Scott went to work to get the bill passed. According to the Miami Herald, a lawyer familiar with the legislation, David Kuczenski said, “What’s really interesting is the governor and insurance commissioner are becoming like voices for the insurance industry as opposed to the consumers.” That’s not surprising when the Governor is for sale.

Read more in the Miami Herald. And this Miami Herald article too.

United Auto Insurance Company is well known to Tallahassee insurance regulators. Based in Miami Gardens Florida, over the past ten years The Florida Department of Financial Services has received more than 7,600 complaints of unlawful practices by this company.

Under the new PIP law, policy holders injured in motor vehicle accidents will not receive the PIP benefits they purchased unless they seek treatment within 14 days of the accident. These payments will be capped at $2,500.00 even though the policy holder purchased $10,000.00 in benefits, unless a medical care provider certifies that the insured person has an “emergency medical condition.”

The 2012 PIP Legislation dramatically limits Floridians health care choices. The government has chosen to take over Floridian’s medical decision making including when, where and how Floridians receive treatment. For consumers, the legislation represents a significant blow to their ability to control their own medical care. Consumers can no longer decide when they will seek treatment, how often they may see their doctor, or even from whom they will receive treatment.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your rights under this law, please contact us at (888) 888-3903 for a free consultation.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Restore Justice? Times Sure Have Changed

“Restore Justice 2012” – it is a catchy name. It makes us all think they seek justice for all Floridians. Their goal? To remove sitting justices from the Florida Supreme Court. The question is, “why?”
A look at the supporters of this group answers this question. One supporter has another catchy name, the “American Justice Partnership.” This group’s claim to fame is its support of Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin - the same governor who eliminated collective bargaining for public service unions after stating during the election that he would negotiate with the unions. He is also the same guy who imposed the largest cuts to education funding in Wisconsin history and a puppet of the politically active billionaire Koch brothers. Recently, Politifact – a project of the Tampa Bay Times that rates the accuracy of statements by politicians – found that two-thirds of the statements made by Scott Walker were mostly false or worse.

The American Justice Partnership is supported by Associated Industries of Florida (“AIF”). This group is chaired by disgraced former State House Speaker, Republican Tom Feeney. Mr. Feeney was a crony of Jack Abramoff and, in September 2006, Feeney was named one of the “20 Most Corrupt Members of Congress” in a report by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. AIF is a special interest lobbying group. Their special interest is big insurance companies and businesses. They oppose consumer rights and access to courts to correct wrongs. Their most recent lobbying efforts involved insurance “bad faith.” A “bad faith” claim only occurs when an insurance company fails to pay the benefits it is lawfully obligated to pay – often subjecting its insured to personal judgments against their assets because of the insurance companies’ unreasonable refusal to pay benefits. AIF would like to eliminate “Bad Faith” so that consumers are left holding the bag for the insurance companies’ unlawful failure to pay benefits.

AIF would also like to prevent patients from seeking recovery from their doctors when those doctors commit malpractice. Along those lines, AIF supports House Bill 385 and Senate Bill 618. These Bills grant immunity to doctors who have committed malpractice.

I remember a time when restoring justice meant protecting the working men and women of Florida. When Atticus Finch fought for justice for Tom Robinson who was unable to fight for himself, that used to represent the pursuit of justice. Now “restoring justice” means protecting unscrupulous insurance companies from their insureds and protecting bad doctors from the patients they injured, maimed or killed. Times sure have changed.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Florida Workers Under Attack / Luckily, Big Business has Florida Legislature Looking Out for Them

The 2012 legislative session has been dominated by special interests. Republican supermajorities in both houses along with a Republican Governor are moving forward with bills designed to protect special interests such as insurance companies and big business. The people who will pay for this are working men and women and Florida Taxpayers.
Three bills currently before the Florida Legislature are: HB 609 - designed to pre-empt Dade County’s Wage Theft Law, CS HB 245 - allowing unlicensed and unregulated insurance companies to take homeowners out of Citizens Insurance, and SB 1316 - designed to eliminate access to the court system in medical malpractice cases.

HB 609 specifically pre-empts Dade County’s Wage Theft Law. The Wage Theft Ordinance, which is governed by Chapter 22 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, became effective on February 28, 2010, applies to private sector employees and employers. The Wage Theft Ordinance’s stated policy is to eliminate and prevent wage theft and eliminate the underpayment or nonpayment of wages earned by persons working in Dade County. Its purpose is to provide a streamlined procedure for recovery when employers fail to pay all or part of a worker’s wages, fail to pay legally required overtime, fail to compensate employees for work they are required to do before their shifts officially begins or after their shifts end, or fail to pay the lawful minimum wage.

Over the years, GOP law makers have argued that courts are inefficient venues to address civil wrongs. They have also argued that local governments are best able to address the needs of their local constituents. However, when Dade County enacted an ordinance to protect their working citizens, GOP lawmakers decided to side with Macy’s, Beall’s, and the Florida Retail Federation. Ironically, these lawmakers argued that the Court system is the most efficient place to resolve wage disputes despite the fact that the filing fees often exceed the amount of wages due. They also argued that the central government in Tallahassee is a much better venue to address wage theft in Dade County than the local government in Dade County.

The most revealing fact of the debate concerning this bill in Tallahassee - GOP lawmakers agreed that wage theft is a significant problem in Florida, yet they only sought a bill to overturn Dade County’s law. GOP representatives had no interest in enacting a statewide wage theft law. In fact, when Rep. Scott Randolph, D-Orlando, made a motion to table the issue so that lawmakers could amend the bill and add language creating a statewide law, GOP representatives voted along party lines to scuttle the proposed amendment. Many GOP lawmakers who claimed they supported a statewide law, voted against Randolph’s motion to begin drafting such a law.

Click here for the facts on wage theft.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Protecting Yourself Against Negligent Security

Criminal attacks can easily take place when businesses or property owners fail to provide adequate security for their patrons. People who own and operate property can be held responsible for injuries that occupants, employees, residents, guests, and customers sustain. Unfortunately, assault crimes including rape, robbery and abduction take place in numerous South Florida commercial locations including West Palm Beach, Miami-Dade and Broward. Malls, gas stations, apartment complexes, stadiums, bars, hotels, college campuses, supermarket and bank parking lots are popular breeding grounds for these types of crimes and frequently leave women and children as victims. 

Although these crimes cannot always be prevented, it is the property owners responsibility to eliminate risk and to provide reasonable and adequate security measures to protect people from potentially dangerous situations.  Safe environments include proper lighting in dark areas and stairwells, video security and monitoring in high crime areas, working alarm systems and call boxes, efficient locks & doors, keeping bushes and hedges trim, and hiring security guards if necessary.
If you or a family member have been injured or attacked as a result of negligent security, the property owner may be in violation of certain Florida laws and you may be entitled to receive compensation for your injuries or losses. Contact Gonzalez  & Cartwright today at 888-888-3903 for a free consultation about your potential Florida negligent /inadequate security lawsuit. Visit us online at for additional information.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Top 5 Reasons to Choose Gonzalez & Cartwright, P.A., Palm Beach County Personal Injury Lawyers

When you are injured and in an accident that is no fault of your own, you need legal representation. Below are the Top 5 Reasons you should call Gonzalez & Cartwright, P.A.:  

  • Just make one phone call to Gonzalez & Cartwright, P.A. and we will takeover from there. Gonzalez & Cartwright, P.A. is a law firm-- not an accident referral service.  We specialize in Personal Injury Law and have a proven track record of success!   
  • Gonzalez & Cartwright, P.A. works with a legal team of professionally knowledgeable staff  that is dedicated to protecting our clients rights. 
  • We are a local law firm with over 20 years experience. Experience matters when it comes to the outcome of your case!
  • Gonzalez & Cartwright, P.A. works on a contingent fee basis. That means, if you do not recover any financial compensation, you owe us nothing.
  • Our Bilingual-Spanish speaking attorneys and staff are available to assist you 24 hours a day/7 days a week.

Being injured due to someone’s negligence can have a profound affect on your life. Don't wait---contact Gonzalez & Cartwright, P.A. at (888) 888-3903 today! Your initial confidential consultation is free. Visit for additional information.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Gonzalez & Cartwright, P.A. would like to wish everyone a very happy and safe Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Charles E. Cartwright, Esq., Appointed to The Florida Bar Grievance Committee

Charles E. Cartwright, Esq., has been appointed to The Florida Bar Grievance Committee for the 15th Judicial Circuit, Palm Beach County, Florida. The Committee is responsible for reviewing and investigating complaints to The Florida Bar Association concerning lawyers in Palm Beach County, Florida. Attorney Cartwright, partner in the law firm of Gonzalez & Cartwright, P.A. will serve a one-year term that is renewable for up to three years. As a former member of the Professionalism Committee of the Palm Beach County Bar Association, Cartwright is committed to serving the public interest and improving relations between the public and the legal community. “I am honored that our local representative, Michelle Suskauer, appointed me to this position of great responsibility and hope that my efforts will help The Florida Bar provide a fair hearing to all parties involved in these unfortunate situations.” For more information call 561-533-0345.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Protecting Yourself from Slips, Trips & Falls

Slips, trips and falls are the most common types of accidents that can often happen just about anywhere or anyplace! These accidents can cause serious injuries and what may at first seem like a simple bump or bruise, can actually be a fractured or broken bone. Many hazardous conditions will contribute to the incidence of slips, trips and falls including wet or oily surfaces, loose floorboards, unsecured rugs/mats, uncovered cables, unstable footwear, uneven steps or walking surfaces, obstructed views and poor lighting.
If you or a loved one have been injured due to a slip, trip or fall, or due to any other negligent condition, the owner of the property may be responsible for any medical bills you incur.  Be sure to report the accident, and ask for a copy of any incident report written by the business or property owner. If a local, state or federal government entity is found to be liable for your incident; different laws may apply which may affect your rights. Contact qualified lawyers Gonzalez & Cartwright at 888-888-3903 or visit to learn more and to schedule a free consultation.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Corresponding Secretary Re-elected to PBC Hispanic Bar Association

Adriana Gonzalez, Esq., was recently re-elected as an officer of the Palm Beach County Hispanic Bar Association and will serve her second term as Corresponding Secretary. Through her community service with the Palm Beach County Hispanic Bar Association, the Hispanic Education Coalition, the Palm Beach County Coalition for Immigrant Rights, and the CARIDAD Center, Ms. Gonzalez pursues projects and issues important to the Hispanic Community. Most recently, Ms. Gonzalez, along with the Palm Beach County Courts, created a Spanish Language Small Claims Clinic – a program providing Spanish-speaking individuals and businesses an understanding of small claims court and the skills needed to protect their rights in small claims court as either plaintiffs or defendants. This important project is expected to debut at the end of April during the Palm Beach County Bar Association’s Law Week. Adriana Gonzalez is proud of this accomplishment, “I feel it’s my responsibility as a Hispanic attorney to assist the Hispanic community in understanding our legal system. I’m honored to be given the opportunity to create a program that will help Hispanics gain access to our courts. Along with demystifying the legal process, it is our hope that participants will leave the program feeling empowered instead of intimidated.” For more information regarding this new clinic, contact Adriana Gonzalez at (561) 533-0345.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Motorists & Bicyclists Respecting the Road

January is almost over and if your New Year's resolution is to get more exercise, bicycling is a great way to get fresh air and enjoy the cooler winter temperatures.  Unfortunately, bicycling can be a very dangerous activity as well.  When bicyclists share the road with motorists, they put themselves at great risk – especially if the drivers are not paying attention to their surroundings.  In the state of Florida the bicycle is legally defined as a vehicle and a passenger on a bicycle is considered a vehicle passenger. Bicyclists must adhere to and obey the same traffic laws as drivers of other motor vehicles. These laws include stopping for stop signs and red lights, signaling and safe lane changes, riding with the flow of traffic, using lights at night, and yielding the right-of-way when entering a roadway. 

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Florida had the second-highest bicycling-related fatality rate in the U.S. in 2008. Although tourism, climate, and population growth may be a contributing cause, the number of deaths have declined in the past 5 years.

A 2010 safety report by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles states the following interesting facts:  
  • In 2009, Florida experienced 100 deaths and 4,425 injuries of bicyclists in traffic crashes.
  • Forty-eight percent of bicyclists killed in a traffic crash, die in daylight.
  • Saturday is the most deadly day for bicyclists with 16% of fatalities occurring on this day.
  • Four-lane highways claim the lives of bicyclists more than any other roadway, at 35%.
  • Florida law requires children age 16 and under to wear safety helmets while cycling.   
There is only one road shared by both bicyclists and motorists and each must  treat each other with care and respect. Strict adherence to the law is the foundation for this respect. If you’ve been the victim of a bicycle accident because of speeding, alcohol use, or a distracted driver, you may be entitled to compensation.  Contact attorneys Gonzalez & Cartwright at 888-888-3903 right away, before speaking to any insurance companies. While they’ll do all they can to transfer the blame to you, we can help you determine the full extent of your injuries and fight to get you the compensation you deserve. Visit for additional information.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Trucking Accidents And The Dangers of Florida Roadways

Although transportation of commodities, freight and cargo through the state of Florida is common and necessary, the addition of more and more large commercial vehicles traveling on our roadways directly impact the rising number of crash fatalities and collisions. Cement trucks, moving trucks, fire engines and dump trucks are essential to maintaining our infrastructure and residential areas. Yet, these giants of the road account for numerous accidents and deaths on our nation’s roadways.

The United States Department of Transportation estimates that over 500,000 truck accidents occur every year. The highest number of truck accidents occur in California, Texas, Florida, Georgia, and Pennsylvania. In addition to driver skill level, fatigue is another factor that makes trucking accidents so common. These vehicles can weigh in excess of 80,000 pounds when fully loaded, which can be up to twenty times the weight of an average passenger car. Because of their sheer weight alone, an accident involving a large truck can have devastating consequences. Many truck accidents leave victims with spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, back and and other serious, permanent injuries, which ultimately destroy families.  

According to the statistics released by The United States Department of Transportation (USDOT): 
  •  In 2008, there were 11,500 Florida Trucking accidents. These accidents lead to 290 fatalities and more than 6,400 injuries. Medium trucks with four rear tires accounted fro 72 fatal accidents and 2,596 injuries that year. Heavy trucks contributed 77 fatalities and 1,939 injuries. Tractor-trailers accounted for 145 fatalities and 1,867 injuries.
  •  Each year, commercial truck accidents result in about 5,000 fatalities across the nation. In 2008, 4229 people in the US died in trucking accidents.
  •  Of the 2008 fatalities related to truck accidents, 3,139 of the people who lost their lives in trucking accidents were passengers in vehicles other than a truck.  Another 413 people were bicyclists or pedestrians. In 2008, 430 truck drivers and truck passengers were killed in truck accidents.
  •  Multi-vehicle truck accidents claimed the lives of 247 truck occupants in 2008.
  •  Truck accidents are most common in the daytime and in rural areas. In 2008, 68% of US fatal truck accidents took place outside of city areas. 66% of these  fatal accidents took place in the daytime.
  • The trucking industry made $610 billion in revenues in 2008 and the number is expected to more than double by 2015. Between 1997 and 1999, the average cost of a trucking accident was $62,613.
  •  In 2008, 9 people were killed and 171 were injured in Florida by riding in the bed of a truck. Most of the injuries and deaths involved persons between the ages of 15 and 44.
If you or a family member have been involved in an accident with a large vehicle and have questions or need to understand your rights, call attorneys Gonzalez & Cartwright, P.A. today at 888-888-3903 to schedule a free consultation. Visit for additional information.